From staging an opera to studying religious diversity and tolerance in 圣安东尼奥, over 100 Mellon SURFs have spent their summers collaborating on research projects with one or more 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 faculty mentors. Many  students continued their foray into academia by presenting their research at undergraduate or professional conferences and publishing their research. We are proud of these accomplishments by Mellon SURFs!

Nupur Agrawal (Mellon ‘13)

布朗,C. Mackenzie and Nupur Agrawal. “的 Rape that Woke Up India: Hindu Imagination and the Rape of Jyoti Singh.” Journal of Religion and Violence 2.2 (2014): 234–280.

Abigail Baltuskonis (Mellon ‘16) 

Baltuskonis,阿比盖尔. “的 ‘Phantom Growth’ of Sol Nazerman: Suppression in 的 当铺老板. 的解释者: A Journal of 本科研究 in the Humanities 12 (2016): 4–13.

Abigail Bowen (Mellon '19)

鲍文,阿比盖尔. ""Selfish Plants and Multispecies Creativity: Alternative Narratives in Environmental Discourse." 的解释者: A Journal of 本科研究 in the Humanities 15 (2020): 75–85.  

Natalie Carrier (Mellon '17)

载体,娜塔莉. "Jane Austen's Artful Buildings: Embodying the 教育小说."  的 Expositor: A Journal of 本科研究 in the Humanities 14 (2018-19): 13–24.

Catherine Clark (Mellon ‘15)

Clark, Catherine and Jennifer Jacobs Henderson. “哦,我的天哪! 我能飞翔!' female agency in Marvel’s 逃亡者." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (2018年2月15日).

Benjamin Collinger (Mellon ‘16)

Collinger, Benjamin  and Simrat Jeet Singh. “Developing a Religious Diversity Profile 圣安东尼奥.” Published by 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏’s Mellon Initiative (March 2017).


Translation and performance of Puccini’s opera Gianni Schicci.

Stephen Ford (Mellon '20)

彩虹桥数据库 (Published on August 3, 2020)

Catherine Groke and Robyn Wheelock (Mellon ‘16)

Groke, Catherine and Robyn Wheelock. 光明之屋.  Published by 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏’s Mellon Initiative (Summer 2016).

Aria Gastón-Panthaki and Rachel Morris (Mellon '20)

Stith, Nathan等人. "的 的atre Industry’s Essential Workers: Catalysts for Change.《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》,卷. 31 no. 2, (2021), p. 73-86. 

奥斯汀大厅(Mellon ' 15)

大厅,奥斯丁. “Auditory Similes in the 首页ric 《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》.” 的解释者: A Journal of 本科研究 in the Humanities 11 (2015): 7–19.

Thomas Harvell-DeGolier (Mellon ‘18)

Harvell-DeGolier,托马斯. "'的 Supremacy of Human Rights Everywhere': 的 Struggle against Jim Crow during WW II." 的解释者: A Journal of 本科研究 in the Humanities 14 (2018-19): 25–34.

Mary Margaret Herring (Mellon ’18)

Delwiche, Aaron and Mary Margaret Herring. 宣传评论家 网站 (launched on August 15, 2018).

Delwiche, Aaron and Mary Margaret Herring. 宣传评论家: A Tool for Analyzing Propaganda in the 21st Century.” 2020年审查,安迪·李·罗斯编辑 & Mickey Huff,  Seven Stories Press, (2019), pp. 152-158.

Delwiche, Aaron and Herring, Mary Margaret. "宣传评论家, Russian Disinformation, and Media Literacy." Media Literacy in a Disruptive Environment, William G .编辑. 基督 & B. S. De Abreu, Routledge, (2020), pp.94-108.

Derek Hudson (Mellon ‘17)

哈德逊,德里克.  “圣安东尼迷路了 & Found Project: Teacher Resource Guide.”  (2017年7月).

凯西·凯利(Mellon ' 15)

Kelly, Kassie and Carl Leafstedt. “的 圣安东尼奥 Federal Orchestra of 1936-1943: A Forgotten Link in the Musical Heritage of South Texas.” Proceedings of the SW Chapter of the American Musicological Society 5 (2016年春季).  


考夫曼,年代.B. 九,汉娜.  “Muslim Victimization in the Contemporary US: Clarifying the Racialization 的sis. ” 关键的犯罪学  27, no 3 (2019): 485-502. 

Tiffany Nguyen (Mellon ‘17)

阮,蒂芙尼.  “What is Done is Donne: Analyzing John Donne's Misogyny.” Proceedings of 的 National Conference On 本科研究 (2018): 48-53.  

Sophia Patterson (Mellon ‘21)

帕特森,索菲娅. “Untying the Knot: Marriage in Senegal, 1850-Present.” History Matters: An Undergraduate Journal of Historical 研究 19 (2022): 71-93. 

Madilyn Pfluger (Mellon ‘16)

弗鲁格Madilyn.  “Visualizing the Unspeakable: Graphic Novels and Illustrating the 大屠杀.  的解释者: A Journal of 本科研究 in the Humanities 13 (2017): 75-84.

Kristina Reinis (Mellon ‘18)

Reinis,克里斯蒂娜.  “'What shall we call thee then?': Defining Femininity Outside the Male Heteronormative World in John Donne’s 'Sappho to Philaenis.'” 的  Expositor: A Journal of 本科研究 in the Humanities 14 (2018-19): 54-66.


罗斯,李维,等等. "Older adults' motives for reconnecting with dormant relational partners using social network sites." Qualitative 研究 Reports in Communication (2023年4月24日).

Megan Reynolds (Mellon ‘15)

雷诺兹,梅根. “Constructing the Imaginative Bridge: Third-Generation 大屠杀 Narratives.” Proceedings of 的 National Conference On 本科研究 (2016): 14-23.  

Chelsea Rodriguez (Mellon ‘17)

Cantú, Norma and Chelsea Rodriguez.  “Breaking Open Gates: A Conversation with 艾美奖佩雷斯.”  今日世界文学 (2018年1月).  

Peyton Tvrdy (Mellon '19 and '20)

的 Mural at Coates 图书馆 网站 & 展览 (2020年夏季推出)

Jullian Valadez (Mellon ‘18)

Valadez, Jullian. “HIV/AIDS Stigma Construction:  A Comparative Analysis between 圣安东尼奥 and Azerbaijan. “  Process: Journal of Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Scholarship 3, no.1(2018年12月).