
A 10-week summer program in which students work on a project directly related to their faculty mentor’s research. 学生可以得到5美元,000年津贴, 免费宿舍 for the summer research period, 旅行和用品预算, 和 a one-credit course annotation on their transcript.

教师导师也获得1000美元的津贴. Students will present their research at the end of the summer at the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Summer 研究 Symposium. In order to apply, students must possess a faculty mentor from an arts or humanities department.

SURF项目(按年划分)   学生出版物



艺术与人文学科本科研究 (URAH), 以前是梅隆计划, offers Summer 本科研究 Fellowships (SURFs) to students working on research projects in the arts 和 humanities. 在澳门金沙线上赌博官网为期10周的暑期研究期间, students team up with a faculty mentor 和 work on a project directly related to that mentor's research. 学生可以得到5美元,000年津贴, 免费宿舍 for the summer research period, 和 a one-credit course annotation on their transcript. 教师 mentors also receive a stipend 和 each SURF is given 旅行和用品预算. Students will present their research at the end of the summer at the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Summer 研究 Symposium. 为了申请URAH SURF项目, students must have arranged to work with a faculty mentor from an arts or humanities department or faculty from a related program with a humanistic research project.


SURFs at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 work alongside faculty on projects designed by the faculty member; indeed, we require a joint application that is submitted by the faculty member(s). Because these projects are faculty-driven, there's no easy formula for finding a professor. 有时(或经常)教授会找到你. Professors interested in participating in a summer research project will ask a student to work with them based on any number of factors,包括 the student having taken several requisite courses, 拥有合适的技能(语言), 例如), 或者在项目中添加一些东西. If you are interested in during research over the summer, you can also initiate the process. Think of a professor whose classes you've taken or whose area of research you are interested in 和 go talk to them. You can also go chat with the chair of the department you are interested in 和 ask if she or he knows of any research opportunities.

Do I come up with the research idea or does the professor?

Although projects have to be in line with the professor's research agenda in some way, it's up to the professor 和 you to figure out exactly how the summer project connects to her or his research as well as to your own interests.

what if I have other summer plans, obligations, or opportunities?

The SURF program is a full-time commitment for 10 weeks (roughly the middle of May to the end of July). Students who participate in the program agree to not take on any additional responsibilities (such as internships, 暑期课程, 一份工作, 等.在那段时间里.


学生可获得5000美元的津贴. This amount is typically paid out in three even installments at the end of May, June 和 July. On top of that, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 covers the cost of your dorm room for the 10-week period. The idea is for you to be able to focus on research for the summer, 不用担心其他费用.

What kind of guidance can I expect from my faculty member/mentor?

This will vary depending on your faculty mentor(s) 和 the nature of the project. In addition to any mentoring you'll get from the faculty member with whom you work, URAH organizes a number of "development" events over the summer to ensure that you receive the training 和 support you need to be successful. 这些活动包括每周午餐(提供的食物), 这样我们就有机会和你联系了, 了解彼此的项目和进展, 并与其他艺术和人文冲浪爱好者进行社交.


The daily work schedule will also vary depending on the project. Some projects require a lot of collaborative work (including travel to an archive or an archaeological site) 和 others might have you working mostly on your own 和 meeting with your professor every few days to check in. 在第二种情况下, 你的日常安排可能主要取决于你自己, 当你决定何时, 在哪里, 和 in what order to complete the tasks you need to do. 研究 fellowships allow students to work on projects that relate to their faculty mentor’s research 和 provide students with an example of successful scholarship in their field.


A Mellon Institute was a 10-week summer multidisciplinary research cluster that enabled faculty-student research teams from different disciplines or specialties to carry out inter-related research projects pertaining to one central topic. Mellon selected one Institute proposal annually for student 和 faculty stipends, 旅行和用品预算, 免费宿舍, 和 a one-credit course annotation on the student’s transcript. Proposals for Mellon Institute topics were accepted from teams of at least three faculty members from at least two arts 和 humanities departments.  



There is general information on the URAH Program on our 网站,包括 当前和存档的项目描述, which will give you a sense of what other faculty-student teams have done.  如果您有任何疑问,请与我们联系 urah@repossedcars.net.  你可以随时关注我们 Instagram 和 推特.

What are the other options for pursuing undergraduate research in the summer?

A description of all of the programs available can be found here.